Please note: This content has not been updated since Spring 2004!

Interaction design links
IBM User-Design Process: detailed outline of design process
InfoDesign: up-to-date info design resource (sign up for the newsletter)
SIGCHI: HCI forum and resources
Collection of links on ROI of usability
Cooper's newsletter: newsletters on good interaction design

Industry news, statistics, and strategy
New York Times Circuits section
eye magazine
Metropolis Magazine
superbe Technology
Brand Channel
AdAge Interactive
Jupiter Research (some content is free)

Coding resources for web and interactive device development
highly recommended, free online tutorials from W3 Schools
and their definitive CSS reference
Network Communication Design for HTML and CCS
while it is microsoft, and many functions only work for ie organized reference list for dhmtl
Webmonkey and the browser compatibility chart
JavaScript Source for, uh, JavaScript
Multiple technology resources for developers: DevX

Design resources: books
A Primer of Visual Literacy for a great foundation on visual communication
Bruce Mau's Life Style for learning potent visual communication
Advertising today for an insight to our media literacy
Don't Make Me Think for a sensible approach to interaction design
Soak Wash Rinse Spin: Tolleson Design for process and methodology
The Design of Everyday Things for the basics of designing products for people
Tibor Kalman, Perverse Optimist for an anthology of Tibor's philosophy and approach
The Experience Economy for a business perspective to immersive design
Heller and Pomeroy's Design Literacy for 90 blurbs on important graphic design milestones
Stop Stealing Sheep for a great introduction to typography
The Elements of Typographic Style for a comprehensive type encyclopedia
